
An endoscope in general, is a medical device with a light attached. It is used to look inside a body cavity or organ. The scope is inserted through a natural opening, such as the mouth during a bronchoscopy, or the rectum for a sigmoidoscopy.

A medical procedure using any type of endoscope is called an endoscopy.

Most commonly performed endoscopy is upper GI endoscopy

How is this procedure performed?

The tissue sample is removed during a procedure called upper endoscopy (or EGD). It is done with a flexible tube with a small camera (flexible endoscope) at the end. The scope is inserted down the throat into the stomach. The procedure involves simple precautions like overnight fasting etc which our consultant will explain to you.

The tissue sample collected via GI endoscopy is then sent to a laboratory where it is examined for signs of cancer, certain infections, or other problems.


A colorectaloscopy (as it is also called) is an examination that shows the inside of your large intestine and rectum using a device called a colorectaloscope. A colorectaloscopic device is a small camera connected to a flexible tubing that extends down the length of your colon.

The scope is gently inserted through the bottom end of the GI tract. It is carefully moved into the lowest part of the large intestine. The scope is slowly advanced as far as the lowest part of the small intestine.

Air is inserted through the scope to provide a better view. Suction may be used to remove fluid or stool.

The doctor gets a better view as the scope is moved back out. So, a more careful exam is done while the scope is being pulled back.

Tissue samples (biopsy) or polyps may be removed using tiny tools inserted through the scope. Photos may be taken using the camera at the end of the scope. If needed, procedures, such as laser therapy, are also done.


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