Cosmetic surgery can lead to significant and enduring transformations in your looks. It’s crucial to consider how these changes might impact your self-perception. Before scheduling a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon, reflect on your motivations for wanting to alter your appearance.
You hold realistic views on what the procedure can accomplish and the impact it could have on your life.
You are well-informed about the surgical risks, the physical side effects during recovery, and the lifestyle adjustments required.
You manage any long-term health issues.
You do not use tobacco. Or, you are prepared to abstain from smoking or using nicotine products for 4 to 6 weeks before the surgery and 4 weeks following it. (Nicotine products encompass patches, gums, and lozenges.)
You have maintained a stable weight for 6 to 12 months, depending on the specific cosmetic procedures you are considering.
No. 200/A, 9TH Cross,
HMT Layout, R.T. Nagar,
Bangalore - 560032,
Karnataka, India.
No. 200/A, 9TH Cross,
HMT Layout, R.T Nagar,
Bangalore - 560032,
Karnataka, India.
80 2333 7272 / 73
Phone : 80 2333 7272 / 73