Patient - Centric Care

Poornima Hospital is a specialty Center and not just a hospital. We are specialty center offering various specialties under one roof. You can avail all our facilities with no need to runaround. We follows a Patient-Centric care approach to ensure that the patients get the best medical facility at an affordable cost.

Accident & Emergency

Poornima Hospital work 24/7 and has Most modern facilities with trained staff, round the clock doctors and techniques to handle any medical emergency. The following emergencies are being handled on a regular basis :

  • Road Accidents
  • Acute Cardiac conditions/syndromes
  • Acute respiratory emergencies
  • Acute Abdominal problems
  • Life threatening injuries
  • Acute Poisonings
  • Acute Endocrine emergencies
  • Heat stroke and cold injuries etc.

Inpatient Services

Poornima Hospital is a 35 bedded specialty care hospital. It is well equipped to accommodate in patients at any given time. There are general wards, semi private, private and super deluxe wards. All patients admitted to the general ward of the hospital are charged a nominal fee for all the procedures. As an inpatient they are also supplied with medication prescribed by the concerned doctor, which is dispersed from the central drug store. Patients admitted to special wards are charged accordingly. A discharge card is given to all the inpatients on discharge which helps in follow up of the patient.

Visitors are allowed only during the following hours:
Morning 7-30 AM – 8-30 AM and Evenings 4-00 PM – 6-00 PM

Only one attendant is allowed to stay with the patient. Staff nurses and supporting staff are on shift duty round the clock in all the wards.

Outpatient Services

The outpatient department works
Monday to Saturday from 9AM to 10PM and Sunday from 9AM to 2PM
Outpatient services including diagnostic and therapeutic services are available at the hospital, in one self contained unit, promoting efficiency and convenience. Wheel chairs and stretchers are available at the gate of the OPD for patients who are not in a position to walk or move. The hospital has access to Ambulance services to commute patients. Every patient is issued a OPD card at the registration counters for the concerned doctors to record their observations, order for investigations, cross references and admission when necessary.